Category Archives: General
An Update from John Lee
SOW Team 2023
Above is the link to the 2023 SOW team update.
Dates for the End of 2023
Reflections from Jess
Reflections from Ed
Eternal Life in Christ Church Plant Outreach Video
Khmer Christian Center Building Campaign
The Khmer Christian Center will be a multipurpose building that will serve as a stable location for Khmer Christian Church during a time where soaring rent costs make it difficult for churches to afford a place to worship. The Khmer Christian Center will also be a home for many of our other initiatives including the Church Planting Institute, Music Institute, Student Dormitory, and a home where rescued women can be cared for while attending college. Partner with us in this initiative to advance the gospel in Cambodia! Support this project at: Learn more about the Khmer Christian Center and the MTW team at:
Talks on Cambodia, Missions, and the McCaffertys
Brennan and Becca will be coming to the field soon. Here is a link to their MTW profile:
Below our links to videos introducing themselves and our team.
Missions Conference – here.
1. Called to Cambodia?: Exploring the Call to Ministry & Missions – Watch here.
2. I Will Build My Church: The Church as the Goal of Missions Work (featuring an interview with MTW Missionary, Paul Lee) – Watch here (interview begins at the 23:32 mark).
3. Making Disciples of All Nations: The Centrality of Discipleship in God’s Global Plan (featuring an interview with MTW Missionary, Luke Smith) – Watch here (interview begins at the 21:34 mark).
4. Caring for the Least of These: Examining the Role of Mercy Ministry in Missions (featuring an interview with MTW Misssionary, Dr. Mark Ambrose) – Watchhere (interview begins at the 21:01 mark).
Fundraising for Land: Khmer Mission Center
Written by Paul and Susan Lee
God’s Faithfulness
It has been twelve years since we started our mission in Cambodia. During that time God has been raising up Khmer pastors, and church leaders, and all their wives, who are equally gifted and devoted to the ministry. These ten Khmer families along with the MTW Cambodia team minister together in nine church plants with over 250 brothers and sisters worshipping and growing in these churches both in the villages of Cambodia as well as the capital city, Phnom Penh.
God has also been building up the next generation of the Khmer Church through the evangelism and discipleship of over 130 high school and university students in these local churches.
The ministry extends to Family Clinic, a Cambodian medical clinic jointly established by MTW Cambodia. This clinic represents 30 Khmer medical staff and 1000s of patients in the communities of the local churches we partner with, many of whom hear the gospel and are prayed over.
The mission also engages in partnership with anti-trafficking organizations in caring for and encouraging survivors of sex-trafficking. Our team, along with the local church, teach bible studies and provide a church community that accepts and embraces these girls, teaching them that they are valued by God and by their brothers and sisters.
Often the fruit of the ministry has been in spite of our weaknesses and our inadequacies but God has been gracious. He has been present and has opening doors in unplanned and unexpected ways. An integral part of his grace and provision has been our partnership with you. God has been working through your prayers, your visits, and your support to establish his church in Cambodia. We are so very grateful for your partnership in the Gospel in Cambodia.

God’s Movement
Now as we look forward to the next twelve years of our mission, we have been asking the question, “how can we continue to grow in our partnership with the Khmer Church that furthers our vision to see a church planting movement in sustainable ways?”
As we have dreamed and prayed together as a team and in partnership with our Khmer brothers and sisters we have envisioned a new multipurpose building where missionaries and the Khmer church can minister together. It would be one integrated space where
1) Khmer Christian Church (KCC) can worship and reach out to its community.
2) We can provide dorms for students coming from village churches to reside and grow in their faith while attending university or vocational training.
3) We can provide dorms for young women who have graduated from the transition program of anti-trafficking organizations with whom we partner.
4) The Cambodian Presbyterian Association (CPA) can meet and plan.
5) Classes can be held for theological education for both pastors and university students.
6) The MTW Cambodia team can meet and worship together.
7) The Worship Institute can train worship leaders and compose/produce new Khmer praise music for churches throughout the country.
8) The Church Planting Institute can produce videos to help equip and mentor church leaders.
The construction of this building would immediately address the challenge of sustainability. Rental prices have been far outpacing living costs and wages and this has made it difficult to stay rooted in one community. Surging rents have forced churches to relocate to more affordable areas, leaving communities that the churches have invested in. Not just the church but also our team has had to move due to rental costs as well. This has meant that the church plants and our team have been constantly on the move and separate from each other.
Constructing a building would remove the need to rent and would provide sustainability for Khmer Christian Church and the MTW Cambodia team. Instead of rental fees, funds could be used to provide for a more lasting presence in the local communities we reside and minister in.
It would also address the challenge of partnering with our Khmer brothers and sisters as we can deepen our relationship as we pray, fellowship, and minister together to advance the kingdom in Cambodia.
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us as we seek to build the Khmer Mission Center? We seek your prayers and your support.
Donation Link: