Testimonies from Christ CentRal SF Team

The testimonies below are from members of Christ Central SF. They were part of a joint short-term team with Christ Central Southern CA and Christ Central SF.


This was my second trip going to Cambodia and I can say with confidence that it only gets better! When I decided to become a follower of Christ, I remember it all started with a simple gesture of someone approaching me and sharing the good news. Seeing how much the Gospel changed my life, I wanted to take part in the great commission and share the good news across all nations. 

This year, I was able to dedicate two weeks towards Cambodia missions where our church partners with missionaries involved in the MTW organization. On the surface, it’s a trip that involves learning more about the Cambodian history, teaching English to the youth, various crafts and games, sermons and worship, supporting bible studies, and to build stronger relationships with the church, the students, and the missionaries. 

But more than the events we organized or the lessons we taught, I am reminded of how great our God is. I am reminded of the courage and strong faith that is needed to go against what the world tells you and to say that God is good. I am reminded of the brothers and sisters that are across the world and that despite the differences in our appearances and in our languages, we worship the same God. I am reminded of the day where there will be no more sorrow and no more pain and until that day to hold on to the living hope that is within me.

With this being my second time, it was different in a sense where some things felt familiar. I wasn’t as culture shocked and it didn’t take long for me to adjust to the surroundings. At times, it felt like I was visiting friends hoping to encourage and be encouraged. For me, it wasn’t just a come and see kind of experience but more of a partnership – one where I feel invested in their lives and their lives to mine. I hope to see them again soon. 

It’s always difficult to put everything you experience into words, but I can only encourage those who are reading this to take a leap, to see what’s happening and be a part of it. You never know. A simple gesture can go a long way. 


I did not know what to expect from this trip. I remember hearing about Cambodia from past mission reports, but Cambodia always seemed so far and removed from my world. It was difficult to imagine how God worked in a foreign country known to have such a dark and broken history. But God works in mysterious ways because being there has completely opened my heart to the country and its people.

In Angk’jeay village, I was amazed by how faithfully and joyfully the students served one another. At the end of class, all the children helped clean up the chairs and tables without complaining. As we instructed them about games and crafts, the older students translated for us so that the younger students could understand. They acted as role models and initiated serving without expecting anything in return. Young kids, as little as 5 years old, gladly practiced putting others before themselves. This was the norm. It was a reminder for myself that serving is a humbling act, meant to demonstrate Christ’s love for us. 

Although my time in the city was completely different from the village, I felt equally blessed to experience God’s faithfulness and presence there. The student-led praise at Khmer Christian Church was powerful. As they sang “Give Thanks” and “Broken Vessels” with eyes closed and loud voices proclaiming salvation through Jesus, I got choked up realizing that even though we were from different sides of the world, we worshiped the same God. They worship knowing how their choice to believe in Christ will bring persecution and hardship. For Christians in Cambodia, choosing to live as a Christian means going against so many aspects of their culture and as a result, it’s common for Christians to be disowned by their families. Despite the external circumstances, they hold on to the constant truth that is the gospel and happily declare it. 

Witnessing the Cambodians’ excitement for the gospel was moving and it forced me to reflect on myself. If they are able to live for the Lord with such joy and complete dependence on Him while they have almost nothing, then I, who have much more than I need, should be able to do the same. My time in the village and the city was heartbreaking and humbling, and I am grateful that God has so clearly taught and shown me how He is in control. God truly works in His own time with a greater plan in mind. 

It is incredibly clear how God is working in Cambodia. But I was only able to witness God’s presence because I was there. I encourage you all to come for yourself to serve, to witness, and to be blessed. Until next time, “joom rip liuh” [bye] and “preah yesu s’rawline neyeck” [Jesus loves you]!


I’ve been to several mission trips in the past but this was the first time with Christ Central. Through this trip I was reminded of several things and I wanted to share some of them with you all: 

  1. The opportunity that we have. A verse that kept going through my head on missions was Luke 12:48 – Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more. The churches in Cambodia have so little compared to us and yet God is using them to do great things. I was challenged by this. We have so much more freedom and resources simply by living in America. We can do more. I can do more. I can give more. 
  2. The necessity of prayer. Because it was my first time, I didn’t know what to expect and I quickly realized I was underprepared. I hate being underprepared. I like to write down every single word when I preach. Thus, during down time, I found myself constantly thinking about the next sermon. In the midst of all this, I forgot to do the most important thing, pray. I was reminded that my words are not what save people; rather it is the Holy Spirit who uses the preached word who does the saving. I recognized then how much I have been doing ministry on my own abilities and how I need to be on my knees much more often. 
  3. The importance of missionary care. What made this trip so unique for me was the opportunity to get to know the missionaries there. It was a tremendous blessing to be able to share stories and struggles with them. Through these interactions, my heart for them grew. Missionaries aren’t super heroes. It’s not always pretty; in fact, their struggles can be amplified living in a foreign country. I don’t have any tangible long-term solutions but what I do know is that as a church we must continually seek to support them as best we can because we are co-laborers. I miss them and their families dearly and I hope to see them again soon.


I didn’t feel like going to Cambodia. I made my decision but one of my prayers going in was, Lord break our expectations and make way. Honestly, from the first day he answered that prayer. 

During our 13 hour flight to Taipei, I was starting to feel really off. It wasn’t until we landed, everything hit me all at once. I had been undergoing an allergy attack the entire time of traveling. Immediately, Pastor Tim took me to Family Clinic, the hospital clinic of missionary Dr. Mark. I was put on IV and I was super nervous and disappointed that missions had to start out like this asking, “God what is this”?? Dr. Mark comes in but then he began to preach so much truth I actually needed to hear. It felt like was as if God had sat me down to speak in the midst of all the noise in my heart. Dr. Mark mentioned:

  • This analogy of the “Bowl of Soup”. That after missions when we go back to the States, it’s a reality check. The huge difference in our way of living. It’s as if we are coming back as a hard carrot, but the more immersed we are in the world (soup), we become like this cooked, soft carrot blending in with the rest of the soup. 
  • He shared that Jesus asks us to do 1 of 3 things: to go, to send or we’re being disobedient. I heard stories of trafficked girls with many health issues that are in need. I immediately felt attached because of recently having a heart for human-trafficked victims and how aligned that vision was while being in there.
  • That this trip is all about the change that God is transforming in me. That he is already revealing my weaknesses and what I can’t control as I’m laying here on this bed.

It ached my heart to see what the enemy had stolen from this country and what I can’t wait for God to redeem, whether it’s many baptisms/ the spread of the gospel. Psalm 102:18 was a verse that rang in my head throughout the trip. It goes: Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord.

The example led by the MTW team stirred my heart more than anything. It felt like I was watching living and breathing examples of how we decrease so that Christ may increase. 

I’m currently praying to hopefully return to Cambodia long-term. I don’t know what that means but I know that my heart can’t stay still from it. God showed me here what true Christ-following living looks like for his glory alone and I really can’t wait to go back. Praise be to God.

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