Becca Nyman – Blog Post #4

Short Term Medical Mission:

***Sorry for the delay in this post! I was hoping to have it up earlier!


It was in May that I greeted my parents and friend Sarah
Nickel at the airport. What a sweet reunion! So thankful they were
able to come and experience what had been my life for 5
 months. Working alongside them during the mobile medical clinics was surreal!
These mobile medical clinics in the villages come alongside the church plants in support. They truly encourage the church and its members, as well as the village as a whole. There is an opportunity for the gospel
to be preached at each clinic. Along with this the patients are prayed for and encouraged to attend the local church plant. It is very rare
that these villagers see a doctor, and even more rare for them to see
a foreign doctor, so there is no shortage of patients. There were 
eight people who came from the states to join on this mission. We travelled to three different villages and saw 566 patients. We worked together with translators, Khmer doctors in training, pastors,
and nurses. Lasting relationships were formed in as little as a week. Sometimes short-term missions can be viewed very negatively. Hurting rather than helping. I think one thing I have Displaying IMG_2869.jpegDisplaying IMG_2869.jpegDisplaying IMG_2869.jpeglearned from being on
the field is the importance of listening to the long-term missionaries and partnering with them. Finding out what the needs of the people are from them, and coming alongside the local church. Trying not to approach things with your own agendas in mind but being willing and eager to learn from the people who live and work in the country you
will serve in. And this is the exact approach MTW takes to short-term missions. It made for a very successful mission, by God’s grace! I know the local churches, the long-term missionaries, and the team who came from the states, were all encouraged by this mission. To God be the glory.

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