In the Airport…

Hey all!!!

Well the Cambodia team is in the ATL airport and waiting to board the plane to take off! We have been at pre field training for the past 3 days preparing for what is to come. Even though I’m not in Cambodia yet, I feel like I’ve already learned so soo much! Just from training. God is doing amazing things. It’s been so awesome to meet all these different people from different backgrounds and different states. But what is even more mind-blowing is how well we have all just gotten along and become so close over the course of only 2 days!

Needless to say, I am beyond excited and ready to be in Cambodia and begin serving. I have no doubt it will be like nothing I am expecting, but will be way more breathtaking. As one of my team members said earlier this week…. I am ready to watch what God is going to do… in Cambodia, but also in all the other countries our friends are traveling to! God never ceases to amaze me.


This is the Cambodia/ Nagoya team in the airport today!


Whitley Maxwell

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